Messanae Universitas Studiorum

Valutazioni termografiche in grandi felidi in cattività

Petrulli, C. A. and Carloni, E. and Beghelli, V. and Mattioli, M. and Gusso, L. and Accorsi, P. A. (2013) Valutazioni termografiche in grandi felidi in cattività. In: ATTI X CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SO.F.I.VET., 8 – 9 luglio 2013, Taormina (Messina). (Submitted)

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Abstract – Infrared thermography has been used in the biology of different animals species, both in wildlife
and in zoological garden. The present study aims at verifying whether thermography can be useful and has
practical application in large wild felines kept in captivity. On four pregnant females of leopard, lion, tiger
and puma, thermography was performed on eyes, nose, side and breast areas. The eyes represent the area
with the highest temperature, whereas other areas show similar thermal trends, but with lower temperatures,
probably because of the hair’s presence or of the frequency with which animal was moistened with tongue
and wet. Thermography was not affected by the environment temperature.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Poster)
Subjects: M.U.S. - Miscellanea > Atti Convegno > SO.F.I.VET 2013 - X Congresso nazionale > Poster
Depositing User: Dr V T
Date Deposited: 30 Jul 2013 11:05
Last Modified: 30 Jul 2013 11:05

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