Messanae Universitas Studiorum

Aristosseno tra aristotelismo e nuova scienza

Sarritzu, Alessandro (2008) Aristosseno tra aristotelismo e nuova scienza. Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti - Classe di Scienze MM.FF.NN., LXXXVI (2). ISSN 1825-1242


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The Armonica of Aristoxenus is re-read in the light of a paper by F. Bellissima [Nuncius, XVII, n.1, 2-44 (2002)] that emphasizes its basically deductive structure, although with some limitations at a strictly logical level. We further address some problems recently posed by R. Migliorato, G. Gentile and L. Russo. In particular, Migliorato introduced the expression Euclidean revolution to denote a change in the scientific paradigm with respect to the Aristotelian conception, which, on the ground of extant texts, is observed for the first time in the Euclidean works. Since very few textual sources are available, Migliorato remained prudent as to the total attribution of the perspective change. The analysis carried out here discloses an attempt to overcome the Pitagorean dogmatism already in Aristoxenus, as well as the metaphysical foundation of the Aristotelian deductive science, without however enacting in a clear way the epistemological step that we can observe in Euclid. Such a process partially merges into the Euclidean revolution as formulated by Migliorato.

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Item Type: Article
Subjects: M.U.S. - Contributi Scientifici > 01 - Scienze matematiche e informatiche
M.U.S. - Miscellanea > Atti Accademia Peloritana > Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali
Depositing User: Mr Nunzio Femminò
Date Deposited: 26 Nov 2009
Last Modified: 13 Apr 2010 11:14

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