Items where Author is "Girlanda, Raffaello"Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Jump to: Article Number of items: 34. ArticleSavasta, Salvatore and Martino, Giovanna and Pistone, Giuseppe and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2005) Microscopic theory of spatially resolved photoluminescence in disordered nanostructures. Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti - Classe di Scienze MM.FF.NN., LXXXIII (1). ISSN 1825-1242 Di Stefano, Omar and Savasta, Salvatore and Girlanda, Raffaello (2004) Coherence and correlation in semiconductor microcavities. Laser Physics Letters, 1 (12). pp. 586-591. Pistone, Giuseppe and Savasta, Salvatore and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2004) Microscopic quantum theory of spatially resolved photoluminescence in semiconductor quantum structures. Applied Physics Letters, 84 (16). pp. 2971-2973. Pistone, Giuseppe and Savasta, Salvatore and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2004) Microscopic theory of spatially resolved photoluminescence in quantum structures. Semiconductor science and technology, 19 (4). pp. 327-329. ISSN 1361-6641 Pistone, Giuseppe and Savasta, Salvatore and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2004) Spatially resolved photoluminescence in semiconductor nanostructures: A theoretical description. Physica Status Solidi (c), 1 (3). pp. 560-563. Di Stefano, Omar and Savasta, Salvatore and Girlanda, Raffaello (2004) The influence of two-exciton correlations on the dynamics of parametric polariton amplification. Physica Status Solidi (c), 1 (3). pp. 479-483. Di Stefano, Omar and Savasta, Salvatore and Pistone, Giuseppe and Martino, Giovanna and Girlanda, Raffaello (2003) Optical mapping of amplitude and phase of excitonic wave functions in a quantum dot system. Physical Review B, 68 (16). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0163-1829 Pieruccini, Marco and Savasta, Salvatore and Girlanda, Raffaello and Iotti, R.C. and Rossi, F. (2003) Near-field light emission from nano- and micrometric complex structures. Applied Physics Letters, 83 (12). pp. 2480-2482. Di Stefano, Omar and Savasta, Salvatore and Martino, Giovanna and Girlanda, Raffaello (2003) Imaging the wavefunctions of a quantum dot system. Physica Status Solidi (c) (5). pp. 1514-1517. Pistone, Giuseppe and Di Stefano, Omar and Savasta, Salvatore and Girlanda, Raffaello (2003) Is the spatially averaged spectrum equal to the global spectrum? Physica Status Solidi (c) (5). pp. 1425-1428. Savasta, Salvatore and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2003) The influence of four-particle correlations on the parametric polariton amplification. Physica Status Solidi (b), 238 (3). pp. 423-427. Savasta, Salvatore and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2003) Many-Body and Correlation Effects on Parametric Polariton Amplification in Semiconductor Microcavities. Physical Review Letters, 90 (9). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0031-9007 Pistone, Giuseppe and Savasta, Salvatore and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2003) Spatially resolved spectra in semiconductor quantum structures: spatially averaged spectra compared to far-field spectra. Physical review B, 67 (15). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0163-1829 Girlanda, Raffaello and Savasta, Salvatore (2003) Theory of Transient Optical Nonlinearities in Semiconductor Microcavities. Laser Physics, 13 (2). pp. 264-269. ISSN 1614-6832 Savasta, Salvatore and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2002) Quantum theory of light scattering for arbitrary finite size dieletric and conducting structures. Journal of optics a pure and applied optics, 4. pp. 95-98. Di Stefano, Omar and Savasta, Salvatore and Martino, Giovanna and Girlanda, Raffaello (2002) Looking at Localized Excitons in Quantum Structures: A Theoretical Description. Physica Status Solidi (a), 190 (3). pp. 673-676. ISSN 0031-8965 Savasta, Salvatore and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2002) Light quantization for arbitrary scattering systems. Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics), 65. pp. 1-24. Di Stefano, Omar and Savasta, Salvatore and Girlanda, Raffaello (2002) Theory of local optical spectroscopy of quantum wires with interface fluctuations. Journal of applied physics, 91 (4). pp. 2302-2307. Savasta, Salvatore and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2002) Three-dimensional quantum-optical input-output relations for arbitrary planar dielectrics. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 19 (2). pp. 304-311. ISSN 0740-3224 Savasta, Salvatore and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2002) Transiet optical stark shift and excitation induced dephasing in the non-perturbative regime. Physica status solidi (a), 190 (3). pp. 833-837. ISSN 0031-8965 Savasta, Salvatore and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2001) Spectroscopy of four-particle correlations in semiconductor microcavities. Physical review B, 64 (7). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0163-1829 Savasta, Salvatore and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2001) Exciton-exciton correlation in the ultrafast nonlinear optical response in the nonperturbative regime. Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Wednesday afternoon. pp. 136-137. Di Stefano, Omar and Savasta, Salvatore and Girlanda, Raffaello (2001) Microscopic calculation of noise current operators for electromagnetic field quantization in absorbing material systems. Journal of optics B: quantum and semiclassical optics, 3 (4). pp. 288-292. ISSN 464-4266 Di Stefano, Omar and Savasta, Salvatore and Martino, Giovanna and Girlanda, Raffaello (2000) Imaging spectroscopy of quantum wells with interfacial fluctuations: A theoretical description. Applied Physics Letters, 77 (18). pp. 2804-2806. Savasta, Salvatore and Martino, Giovanna and Di Stefano, Omar and Girlanda, Raffaello (2000) Biphotons from Biexcitons. Physica Status Solidi (b), 221 (1). pp. 307-311. Di Stefano, Omar and Savasta, Salvatore and Girlanda, Raffaello (2000) Propagation of nonclassical light through a semiconductor microcavity. Physica status solidi (a), 178 (1). pp. 577-580. Martino, Giovanna and Savasta, Salvatore and Girlanda, Raffaello (2000) The effect of the exciton continuum on the exciton-exciton correlation. Physica status solidi (a), 178 (1). pp. 441-445. Savasta, Salvatore and Martino, Giovanna and Girlanda, Raffaello (1999) Entangled photon pairs from the optical decay of biexcitons. Solid state communications, 111 (9). pp. 495-500. ISSN 0038-1098 Allegrini, M. and Arena, A. and Labardi, M. and Martino, Giovanna and Girlanda, Raffaello and Pace, C. and Patanè, S. A. and Saitta, G. and Savasta, Salvatore (1999) Photoluminescence from a soluble semiconducting polymer in waveguide and microcavity configurations. Applied Surface Science, 142 (1-4). pp. 603-607. ISSN 0169-4332 Savasta, Salvatore and Girlanda, Raffaello (1999) Signatures of the electromagnetic field quantization in the nonlinear optical response of excitons. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 11. pp. 6045-6059. ISSN 0953-8984 Arena, A. and Patanè, S. A. and Saitta, G. and Savasta, Salvatore and Girlanda, Raffaello and Rinaldi, R. (1998) Silicon-based organic-inorganic microcavity and its dispersion curve from angle-resolved photoluminescence. Applied Physics Letters, 72 (20). pp. 2571-2573. Savasta, Salvatore and Girlanda, Raffaello and Martino, Giovanna (1997) Hyper Raman Scattering in Microcavity Quantum Wells: A Quantum Optical Process in the Strong Coupling Regime. Physica Status Solidi (a), 164 (1). pp. 85-89. Savasta, Salvatore and Girlanda, Raffaello (1995) The particle-photon interaction in systems descrided by model hamiltonians in second quantization. Solid state communications, 96 (7). pp. 517-522. ISSN 0038-1098 Crupi, Giovanni and Martino, G. and Girlanda, Raffaello and Tomassini, N. and D'Andrea, A. and Atanasov, R. (1994) Dinamica di eccitoni confinati in pozzi quantici di tipo $Zn(S,Se)$ e generazione di seconda armonica. Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti Classe FF.MM.NN., LXXII (Supplement 1). pp. 399-407. |