Studio comparativo H-MRS di indici di N-acetilaspartato ai centri semiovali umani
Standard INACS, Index of N-actyl-L-aspartate at centrum semiovale obtained by H-MRS, are compared to those of two Groups of volunteers. Group 1 was formed by 30 individuals (65-74 years old) with small cognition deficit a probably due to early AD (Alzheimer Disease). Mean INACS of Group 1 was lower than the standard (significance = 89,4%, t = 1.64). This suggest that INACS evaluation could help early AD diagnosis. Group 2 was formed by 15 individuals (45-59 years old) with structural damages due to outcomes of Transitory Ischemic Attacks (TIA) or Minor Strokes (MS). In spite of the evident neuronal/axonal degeneration, mean INACS of this Group do not show significative decrease. This could be interpreted on the basis of the presence in the glial cell of N-acetyl derivatives whose resonances overlap the N-acetyl-L-aspartate one masking its lack.
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