An open-access multidisciplinary science journal
(Image: Original engraving taken from a Diploma of the Accademia)
“As in the sea between Scylla and Charybdis the helmsman is ever in danger, yet he will be thought shrewd and sagacious, if, keeping his ship on a straight course between the two, avoiding the rocks on the one side and the maelstrom on the other, he brings his ship safely to harbour:
So in learning, the scholar is tossed between difficulties and adversities; but he will be worthy of praise and glory, if, directing his mind and proper reason around them, likewise avoiding any impediment or contention, he penetrates without hindrance into the Truth he seeks.”
Carlo Vitali (excerpt, translated from the Dichiarazione dell'Impresa generale della
nuova Accademia Peloritana detta de' Pericolanti, Messina, 1729)