Electromyography in the evaluation of dorsalhyperkyphosis: a new diagnostic protocol

Alessia Bagalà, Giuseppina Salvo, Giuseppe Gambardella


Correction or improvement of hyperkyphosis can be achieved by developing the muscles involved in correcting the posture of the dorsal spine, as indicated by many authors. Several research studies have revealed that electromyography (EMG) techniques are effective in evaluating muscles and guiding their treatment. The dependability and utility of this technique have already been tested on a group of sixteen patients. After the physiatrist evaluation and a radiographic examination, the angle of the D1-D12 curve has been calculated, it is considered hyperkyphotic if the degrees are ≥ 45°. Cases with hyperkyphosis have been subjected to EMG investigation: assessing resting activity, moderate activity and maximal activity of some of the muscles involved in this pathology (supraspinatus, subspinatus, trapezius). The results have been used to plan the most effective treatment for hyperkyphosis correction. As the protocol used is proven to be effective, it will be used to target the rehabilitation program to a large number of patients.


hyperkyphosis; electromyography; rehabilitation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.13129/1828-6550/APMB.110.2.2022.OS1


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