Apple et ses fans: images et récits dans les réseaux sociaux
This research analyses the imaginaries of Italian Apple fans in social networks communities. Our goal was to understand how users perceive Apple through the images they associate with the brand and its technologies.
We chose social networks communities’ activities as a research field because we believe that social networks offer fertile ground for the study of imagery.
To query the imaginaries of the fans, we looked at the most shared thematic and stories as well as mental and social representations.We used a composite research methodology – mainly qualitative methods - like the approaches developed in digital ethnography (Kozinets 2010).We also interviewed ten fans.
We chose social networks communities’ activities as a research field because we believe that social networks offer fertile ground for the study of imagery.
To query the imaginaries of the fans, we looked at the most shared thematic and stories as well as mental and social representations.We used a composite research methodology – mainly qualitative methods - like the approaches developed in digital ethnography (Kozinets 2010).We also interviewed ten fans.
Imaginaries ; Fan Communities; Social Networks; Apple fans; Facebook
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Im@go. A Journal of the Social Imaginary - Biannual - Edizioni Mimesis