Facebook & Co.: un dispositivo narrativo sintetico a comprimere l’immaginario

Antonio Sofia


With social networks online, technology transit from being option or extension of action to define the ontologies and the connections field in which the individual links the dots to define himself. The design objectifies positions and dispositions in functional reductions and fictional relationships. Transition operators (who have in common the possibility to collect, to organize, to sell data) promise to make life better, the world a better place. We’ll be able to ask the machine what studies to do, what the ambition to pursue, which people is better to spend time with. We could ask to find in the past accessible explanations to strengthen ourselves; we could obtain, in the present e for the future, a more effective, a more efficient orientation. The process must develop natural and necessary: it need a faith or submission act, the imagination compression, the belief that the world is not only becoming better, but better in the only way it can be possible.


Social network; Storytelling; Big data; Personalization; Artificial intelligence; Design

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7413/22818138061


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