Sed non satiata. Per una fenomenologia del male nell’immaginario letterario del dandysmo
Sed Non Satiata. For a Phenomenology of Evil in the Literary Imaginary of Dandyism. Our inquiry starts from a sociological key (with some references to Benjamin, Sartre and Bataille) and it has the objective to cartography the Evil’s phenomenology in dandyish imaginary in late ‘800 and early ‘900.
In dandy we can see a way of being, to live, to take position towards the world. It’s an experience between “art and life” (typical of ‘800’s dandy) that is expressed especially throught the theory of provocation and the literary texture. It’s the evil’s theme to live in dandyish imaginary. Evil is for dandy’s culture an aesthetic tipology, you can think to sin parallelism trasferred on canvas by Fussli,Moreau, Redon, Whistler, Toulouse-Loutrec. In dandyism (Baudelaire, but also Wilde, Byron and Beerbohom) evil is an experience of strong anti-emotivity, artificiality and individualism that are expression of a humanity far from its charcteristic signs towards an invention level of good unmasking, of a desecrating irony.
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