L’immaginazione nel sentimento religioso. Il sacro arcaico all’origine dell’antropocenesi
Imagination in religious sentiment. The archaic sacred at the origin of the anthropocenesis. The studies on the sacred made by German Romanticism agree in suggesting that anthropocenesis should be understood by going back to the sources of consciousness, while it emerges from terror for the portents of nature. Idea that is not at all contrary to the harmonious version of the change, advocated by the synthesis between the evolutionist and neo-Darwinist theories on the unfolding of the natural order in cultural order. Privileged scope of this reflection is the proposal of Ludwig Klages to explore the potential of religious mediation to the sources of human society. In fact, he believes that religious thought is grounded in a daring relationship between the survival of nature and the conscience that overcomes its terrifying power. The magical-religious symbolization of sensible experience and its mythic narrative would constitute the cultural response to the natural horrible, the absolute novelty in the lush landscape of animal biogenesis.
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