L’immaginario e gli oggetti. Per una sociologia della superficie

Fabio La Rocca, Antonio Tramontana


Imaginary and Objects. For a Sociology of Surface. The aim of this paper is to clarify the relationship between objects and imaginary. Objects are investigated as the skin of the imaginary. In this way, objects allow us to define the figure of a specific era. Furthermore, starting from a sensory relationship with objects, we fulfill our existence precisely from their use. In this context we believe that a sociology of surface is the epistemological tool to investigate the complexrelationship between humankind and objects.


Objects; Imaginary; Figure; Sociology of Surface; Sensory Relationship

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7413/22818138134


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Im@go. A Journal of the Social Imaginary - Biannual - Edizioni Mimesis