L’eau embouteillée. De l’enchantement à la tombe

Hélène Houdayer


Bottled water, from enchantment to grave. The water bottle is one of those objects that have become an essential part of our daily lives. Our focus was on the combination of the two materials : the resource and its plastic envelope. Both have a body, cognitive and emotional language that we present. Water is first and foremost the subjetc of messages and images that individuals appropriate in an intimate and collective way. It is a matter of reverie and incorporation. The plastic bottle makes it possible to contain, in a practical form, a word of meanings widely used by brands. However, despite the use of a technology that claims to be environmentaly friendly, plastic is a problem: it spreads out before our eyes to give way to new imagination, that of welding and pollution and pollution, which invite us to think about the programmed end of plastic.


Plastic; Mark; Incorporation; Water pollution; Waste


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7413/22818138136


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