L'immaginario in lattina: il ruolo del packaging nell'esperienza di consumo di un birrificio artigianale
Canned imaginaries: the influence of packaging on the consumption experience in a craft brewery. Craft brewing is a global movement, locally redefined through places, people and, not last, objects. The packaging of goods is one of the distinctive practices of modernity, a cultural technique for the treatment of consumer objects. In this article we propose an analysis of the immaterial dimension of beer cans in an Italian craft brewery. Different aspects of package design are involved within social imaginaries, shaping consumer's desires and experience. Packaging is an active agent of a marketing strategy which involves the consumption experience. The agency of the can is express by its capacity to establish with the consumer a multi-sensory relation, through the immaterial components inscribed within its own materiality. Moreover, the desire component exceed the instrumentality of the object, bringing the can in a new system of objects, as a collectable item.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7413/22818138137
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