L’immaginario sovvertito. Ovvero, le fiabe di Angela Carter

Adriana Trozzi


The essay represents a re- evaluation of Angela Carter’s short story “The Bloody Chamber” as a powerful reversal of accepted gender patterns and a subversion of codified imaginary characters. Particular relevance is given to the moral–an essential element of fairy tales—which changes according to the modernized setting of the folktale. The short story is analyzed in the light of folkloric tradition and modern behavioral psychology highlighting the symbolic role of background imaginary elements–the mirrors, the closet–and the disturbingly morbid undertones of the protagonist’s relationship with her serial-killer husband. Gender and family roles are overturned: sorority and motherhood defy and defeat romantic love– prince charming–and patriarchal tyranny–Bluebeard–and the fairy tale pattern suddenly becomes obsolete.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7413/22818138162


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