Habiter l’imaginaire. Sociologie de la culture numérique
Inhabiting the imaginary. Sociology of numerical culture.
The cultural program of the surrealism, which consisted in reconciling the reason with the dream, the day with the night, releasing in the world a thought of the body made at the same time of poetic appropriations of the matter and distortions of the instituted beauty, tends to be realized in new forms by the balancing which is established between everyday life and reticular techno-societal platforms. The proliferation of digital worlds in network favors on the one hand a radical deindividualization of the existence, and on the other hand reintegrates in the material order the ghosts, the images and the dreams that reside in the collective unconscious since always, without this one having been able, if it is not in a marginal, individual or clandestine form, to lead them to their accomplishment and to invest in them until the end. One passes thus from the becoming image of the world having characterized the birth of the cultural industry to the becoming world of the image, by which the media become our landscape and our language.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7413/228181381932
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Im@go. A Journal of the Social Imaginary - Biannual - Edizioni Mimesis