Signs of the Times
This article is a consideration of what Michel Maffesoli means by the ‘aesthetic’ in his work, and in particular by the important phrase “the ethic of the aesthetic”. Rather than a discrete area of rather refined study for art historians or the like, this term is central to Maffesoli’s understanding of the imaginary in postmodern times. It considers the term and also the crucial ways Maffesoli operationalises it in his Sociology of the Imaginary through the interrelated notions of ‘the re-enchantment of the world’, ‘the Baroque’, and ‘the orientalisation of the world’, and considers issues arising from his treatment of these topics. A premise of the article is that this material is central to Maffesoli’s understanding of the Imaginary in the Postmodern world.
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Im@go. A Journal of the Social Imaginary - Biannual - Edizioni Mimesis