Un’etica dell’energia

Philippe Joron


An ethics of the energy.

Energy is something that comes from within ourselves and from without. If we think of energy as a set of forces capable of producing an action on the individual, we have to take into account both conscious and unconscious motivations. In fact, energy is much more than the sum of its parts. If there is indeed an energy that goes from the particular to the general, there must be an opposite dynamic that redistributes to each individual a form of social energy from which particular interests can benefit. Recovering the Bataille’s postulate between energy, surplus and dépense, we explore how festive communion represents the acceptance of excess as an element capable of regenerating the social bond in the face of the wear and tear of everyday normality.


Imaginary; Dépense; Energy; Ethics; Party

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7413/228181381936


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