L’intrattenimento tecnomagico su Twitch Italia. Lavoro, community e pubblici produttivi

Gabriele Forte


Technomagic entertainment on Twitch Italia. Labor, community and productive publics

Live streaming is an expanding online practice, where production and consumption are defined by accurate feautures. Twitch.tv is an interesting case, a platform dedicated to online gaming performances that has also been able to define new forms of spectatorship (Taylor 2018) by digital technomagic cultures (Susca 2022). The platformisation of cultural production (Nieborg, Poell, 2018) can turn one's home performances into monetisation (Johnson, Woodcock 2019).  Streamers engage in everyday content creation through relational work (Baym 2015), defining intimate and affective spaces (Johnson, Woodcock 2017; 2019). Learning digital skills and platform norms, organising live entertainment, are some parts of streamer labor (Carradore, Carrera 2019). The purpose of this paper is to analize what communication practices are used by streamers to define their communities (RQ).


Twitch; Platform; Labor; Community; Meme

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7413/228181381944


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