Creature del desiderio. Costellazioni immaginarie e fenomenologia della donna ideale/artificiale
Creatures of desire. Imaginary constellations and phenomenology of the ideal/artificial woman.
Adult dolls, referred to - depending on the context and technical or usage characteristics - as Love Dolls, Real Dolls, Sex-Robots, Female Androids, etc., are dolls with sexual and/or companionship functions, valued in widespread niche markets. What makes people buy and love them? More importantly, what imagery is revealed in the creation and use of these "creatures of desire"? Where the dream of the “ideal woman” stems from? In the territory of art, literature and myth lie some interpretive keys that can shed light on the phenomenology and complexity of these simulacra.
In this essay some results of an ongoing research on the relationship between the imaginary, technology and gender are presented from which emerges the cruciality of the "creation" of the ideal/artificial woman as a privileged gateway to address the roots of violence against women and the complexity of the interlocking and oppositional natural/artificial, real/ideal, masculine/feminine.
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Im@go. A Journal of the Social Imaginary - Biannual - Edizioni Mimesis