Oltre Greta Thunberg: chi rappresenta la generazione verde tra premesse e scenari futuri

Daniele Battista


Beyond Greta Thunberg: Who Represents the Green Generation Between Premises and Future Scenarios. 

This research aims to conduct an analysis of political and social representations and the role of opinion leaders in ecological movements, with a specific focus on the emerging phenomenon of youth activism in the environmental field. The article explores the motivations that have contributed to the remarkable success of a collective primarily composed of young individuals with no political experience and without the support of traditional organizations. In the broader context of the environmental crisis, this study suggests that the growing concern for the planet's future can act as a catalyst for social and political change. However, a fundamental question remains regarding the ability of these movements to translate their commitment into tangible political outcomes, a challenge that requires further research. Given the complex dynamics to be revealed, this contribution aims to reflect on deep concerns regarding environmental sustainability and global well-being.



Environmental Activism | Apocalyptic Imagery | Greta Thunberg | Green Leaders | Global Mobilization

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7413/228181381951


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