Frankenfoods: ibridi mostruosi nell’immaginario dell’ecocatastrofe
Frankenfoods: Monstrous Hybrids in the Ecocatastrophe Imaginary.
Opposition to GMOs and discussions about in vitro meat in Italy make agrifood biotechnology a privileged field of observation of the intricate relationship between technoscience, nature and society in the imaginary of environmental apocalypse. The term “Frankenfood” evokes fear of the technoscientific power that transcends the natural processes of reproduction, introducing hybrid and unknown elements that challenge the traditional conception of nature as a benevolent force, thus provoking apocalyptic scenarios. This article explores the “socio-technical imaginaries” related to food biotechnology in the context of the ecological crisis, examining studies related to the public perception of in vitro meat. These include optimistic views on safety and environmental sustainability. More often, however, they express concerns related to their artificiality or unnaturalness. They offer valuable insights into the role of technoscience in shaping the narrative of environmental apocalypse.
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