Come un taglio sulla tela. Immaginari vecchi e nuovi delle grandi dighe tra rischio e sfida

Gianluca Lanfranchi


Like a cut on a canvas. Old and new imaginaries of large dams between risk and challenges.

Dams serve as a human response to natural constraints, facilitating settlement in otherwise inhospitable environments by enabling water storage for various activities, preventing floods, and supplying (renewable) energy. This interplay between humans and nature, evolving and accelerating in the modern era, significantly impacts global social and environmental equilibriums. As enduring cultural and technological constructs, dams offer a lens to explore human-nature relations. This article investigates the historical progression of dams, examining the shift from a sacral "enchantment" to a contemporary "re-enchanted" environmental consciousness, passing through a modernity-oriented detachment from nature. This transition leads to contrasting interpretations of dams as global opportunities and local risks in water management and energy supply.


Large Dams | Social Imaginary | Human-Nature | Climate Change | Risk

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