La capitalizzazione dell’apocalisse ambientale: tra etica del consumo ed ethos del trascendimento umano
Capitalizing on the environmental apocalypse: between consumer ethics and the ethos of human transcendence.
The state of alteration of the planet's natural balance has reactivated the specter of the end of the world in individual and global consciousness, but not that of the end of capitalism. A paradoxical condition, given that it is precisely the regime founded by the industrial revolution that caused the environmental crisis. The imaginary of the environmental apocalypse has become the semantic pool from which capitalist rationality draws to resolve its own systemic crises. It is in this framework that the article develops the theme of the capitalization of the environmental apocalypse, understood as a degree of commodification of the world, hidden in the model of the green economy and in ethical and sustainable consumption. This process is analyzed through a case study on the Canadian diamond trade sector, which seems to have re-enchanted consumers of luxury goods thanks to an ethics certification, used as a guarantee of the application of safety protocols towards miners, indigenous populations and environmental protection.
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