Giustizia climatica e transizione ecologica dal basso: immaginario di movimento e governance globale
Climate justice and ecological transition from below: movement imaginary and global governance.
This paper aims to reviews the book of the political ecology’s scholars Paola Imperatore and Emanuele Leonardi, entitled “L’Era della Giustizia Climatica. Prospettive per una transizione ecologica dal basso”, published by Orthotes Editor, Napoli-Salerno, 2023. Starting by a critical examination of the “top-down ecological transition”, pursued through the UN intergovernmental policies, the authors underline the counter-hegemonic perspective of the “bottom-up ecological transition” imagined by climate justice movements. Climate justice, which includes eco-transfeminist, decolonial, workers' and other social issues, is an idea opposed to the environmental policies of the so-called green economy, that is an economic theory which supports the UN climate decision-making process. The book also fruitfully overviews the debate developed among climate activists, mainly focused on both the critique of Global Climate Governance and the practices of convergence of the different struggles that can be undertaken to counter the ecological damages caused by capitalistic “estractivism”. With respect to this, particular attention is given to the convergence between Friday For Future (FFF) and GKN For Future (GFF) who has been founded by workers dismissed from the GKN factory (an Italian factory in Florence), with the aim of creating a sustainable workers’ managed factory.
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