Tra Utopia Urbana e Apocalisse Ambientale: Los Angeles in “Ecology of Fear”

Francesco Barbalace


Between Urban Utopia and Environmental Apocalypse: Los Angeles in “Ecology of Fear”.

This paper examines the book "Ecology of Fear" by Mike Davis, published in 1998, which explores the transformations of the city of Los Angeles. The text highlights the social and economic changes of the period, focusing on globalization and the environmental impacts of global capitalism. Davis critiques the idyllic representation of Los Angeles as a city in harmony with nature, revealing contradictions in urban planning and cultural narratives. The author examines the complex relationship with the territory, focusing on urban sprawl, social inequalities, and collective fears related to the wild and environmental disasters. The article aims to elucidate the sociological significance of this work, highlighting the theoretical connection with certain research strands that demonstrate the ambivalence of the concepts of environment and nature. It illustrates how the theme of environmental apocalypse structures the identity of the city of Los Angeles, also through the study of various cultural products. 



Ecology of Fear | Mike Davis | Social Imaginary | Environmental Apocalypse| Urban Space

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