Tecnotopie. Per una epistemologia simbolica degli algoritmi intelligenti
Technotopias: Toward a Symbolic Epistemology of Intelligent Algorithms.
The interaction between intelligent algorithms and human entities raises epistemological questions that challenge the traditional sociological distinction between individual and tool, posing issues of significant relational relevance. In this context, algorithms can be seen as social agents that embody and reflect specific configurations of power and knowledge, implying a continuous renegotiation of social norms and cultural expectations. This contribution aims to reflect on the evolutionary lines of the imagination linked to such technologies, which not only embody human pragmatic knowledge but also evoke an imaginative capacity central to the transfiguration of the technological object into an artifact with an almost autonomous potential, capable of integrating and interacting in complex ways with surrounding societies. This outlines a perspective on the impact of AI in the construction of reality, highlighting ethical challenges and poietic potentials.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7413/2281813819588
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Im@go. A Journal of the Social Imaginary - Biannual - Edizioni Mimesis