Quando l’intelligenza artificiale è donna: la rappresentazione dell’AI in alcuni film di successo

Antonella Capalbi


When artificial intelligence is a woman: the representation of AI in some successful films.

      Audiovisual representations reflect a culturally conditioned imaginary and, at the same time, have the capacity to actively affect the imaginary, also from a gender perspective. Starting from a theoretical framework that intersects Cultural Studies with Visual Studies, an analysis of the cinematic representation of AI from a gender perspective is proposed. Specifically, some films in which AIs are explicitly typified as female are selected as case-studies. The aim of article is to observe whether they reflect culturally conditioned models around femininity and whether, at the same time, they have the capacity to influence the processes of imagination, design and interaction with AIs in the real world. In this sense, after exploring the main trends of representation, three films considered significant case studies are analysed in depth: Her, by Spike Jonze; Ex-Machina, by Alex Garland; I am a Mother, by Grant Sputore. 


AI; Gender; Film; Imaginary; Cultural models

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7413/2281813819597


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