
Issue Title
No 11 (2018): The Sports Heroes in the Social Imaginary Una vita eroica. Il significato dello sport nell’immaginario della “società del rischio” Abstract  PDF
Antonio Camorrino
No 11 (2018): The Sports Heroes in the Social Imaginary Between solar and lunar hero: a cartographic study of Brazilian Olympic athletes in the social imaginary Abstract  PDF
Katia Rubio, Rafael Veloso, Lucia Leao
No 11 (2018): The Sports Heroes in the Social Imaginary Tra serve and volley: l’immaginario eroico di Stefan Edberg Abstract  PDF
Vincenzo Del Gaudio, Paolo Diana
No 11 (2018): The Sports Heroes in the Social Imaginary De Maradona a Messi: viejos y nuevos argumentos sobre el héroe deportivo y la patria Abstract  PDF
Pablo Alabarces
No 20 (2022) Tra serve and volley: l’immaginario eroico di Stefan Edberg Abstract  PDF (Italiano)
Vincenzo Del Gaudio, Paolo Diana
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