Inter-role conflict in Work and Family: is a healthy balance possible?

Simona Sireno, Noemi Ricotta, Antonella Riefolo, Valentina Risica, Giuseppe Rossello, Barbara Salvo, Carla Sanfilippo, Giulia Santoro, Martina Santoro, Bhawndeep Sarai, Samuele Schiavone, Rosy Scionti, Chiara Scoglio, Francesco Pio Sortolano, Flavia Spanò, Angela Sparacino, Giulia Spataro, Maria Spinella, Maria Neve Teodoro, Giorgia Todaro, Adele Tondo, Luana Trebbia, Mariaclara Trebbia, Antonino Trimarchi, Serena Immacolata Trimarchi, Lucrezia Tumeo, Giuseppe Maria Veneziano, Sharon Venuti, Davide Vetrano, Martina Vicari, Marta Tindara Vieni


Background: This paper contains four research contributions made by psychology students within the theoretical framework of Self-Determination Theory.
Methods: The aim was to investigate the relation between work-family conflict and some related variables, such as job satisfaction, intrinsic motivation, basic psychological needs, and parenting educational practices in 126 pairs of parents, both workers. For each of the variables to be investigated, specific self-report scales were administered.
Results: Results suggest that there is a negative correlation between family-to-work conflict and job satisfaction in both women and men, that parenting educational practices are affected by quality of work-to-family conflict, that an intrinsic motivation to work could lead to a great job satisfaction, and that it exists a negative correlation between basic psychological needs satisfaction and work-family conflict.
Conclusions:Further implications of these results for understanding the impact of work-family dynamics on parental well-being are discussed in the conclusions section of this paper.

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