Mental Health in the Elderly during the Pandemic in Indonesia

Herdian Herdian, Qingrong Chen


Background: The pandemic period due to the spread of the covid virus has had a tremendous impact on daily life. The psychological aspect is one of the interesting topics to discuss the impact of covid 19. The elderly is one of the most vulnerable to experiencing its effects, especially on their mental health.
Methods: This study aims to describe the mental health condition of the elderly and how it correlates with death anxiety. A total of 64 elderly consisting of 60-82 years participated in this study. Data collection data using MHI-5 and Death anxiety scale. Data analysis using Pearson's correlation.
Results showed that death anxiety with psychological distress has a significant positive correlation of 0.34 with p-value < 0.001. That is, the higher the level of death anxiety, the higher the level of psychological distress. Meanwhile, there is no significant correlation between death anxiety, and psychological well-being, Pearson's correlation value is 0.04 with p-value > 0.001. It is also known that the results of the correlation of the two aspects of mental health, namely psychological distress and psychological well-being, have a positive Pearson's correlation value that is not significant, namely 0.20 with p-value > 0.001.
Conclusions: The implications and limitations of these findings are also discussed.

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