Romantic Relationship and Self Esteem: The Role of Self Esteem in prediction of Relationship Satisfaction, Romanticism, and Emophilia

Romaisa Jaffar, Farhana Jehangir, Israr Muhammad


Background: The goal was to discover the relationship between the levels of self-esteem and types of romantic relationships (emophilia and romanticism) and its impact on individual’s relationship satisfaction.
Methods: More specifically, the study sought to examine whether low self-esteem was related to emotional promiscuity and lower levels of romantic relationship satisfaction. Furthermore, the study also sought to examine if higher levels of self-esteem would corresponded to greater romantic relationship satisfaction and romanticism. The data was collected from 385 committed/ engaged participants.
Results indicated that those with low self-esteem had lower levels of relationship satisfaction. Finding also revealed that individuals with low self-esteem scored high on romanticism than emophilia. No association was found between an increase in age and emophilia. Gender differences were also found on romanticism as females scored high than males. Moreover, the results also depicted no inverse association between emophilia, one and only love, and love can conquer all.
Conclusions: Results signified that endorsement of romantic beliefs did predict relationship satisfaction.

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