The Stages of Life in the Jungian Perspective: A Photo Elicitation Case Study

Ana Carolina Barata Morbach, Janari da Silva Pedroso


Background: This single case study examined a 63-year-old man's perceptions of his life course and aging process based on a photo elicitation interview. The basis of the data analysis was the theoretical framework of Carl Gustav Jung's analytical psychology.
Methods: The interview was conducted using five photos selected by the subject. Each photo represented different phases and helped to understand his biography. We have elaborated five thematic axes related to the participant's account: i) childhood, paradise lost; ii) adolescence, seeing time; iii) adulthood, time of action; iv) midlife, consolidation period; and v) old age, the synthesis.
Results: The qualitative findings were consistent with Jung’s ideas about the role of life stages in psychological development. Looking at photos evoked detailed memories and clarified the importance of each phase of life for personality development. The interview showed that there is a continuity of development in old age.
Conclusions: Photo elicitation interviews can be useful for both psychological research and clinical practice. This technique enables the interviewer to adopt a non-directive attitude, facilitates the recall of memories and promotes the projection of inner states onto the photographic images.

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