Scoping review: Does a deficit of executive functions imply the developing of a Theory of Mind with alterations? Are learning disorders based on a deficient Theory of Mind?

Jessica Rubaltelli, Sara Andolfi, Elisa Serafini, Francesca Cavallini


This Scoping Review focuses on articles that investigate the following topics: Theory of Mind, Executive Functions and Learning Disorders. The objective was to see whether these three constructs were correlated in the literature. Two databases were used: Psycinfo and Pubmed. 7 articles met our eligibility criteria while all others were excluded, initially due to their titles, and later due to their abstracts. These studies revealed that children and teenagers with SLD might produce lower results when their executive functions are tested, such as planning, performing tasks, working memory, as well as processing speed. It was also observed that children and teenagers with SLD display difficulties related to emotion recognition. Further research may focus on the analysis of the relations between executive functions in subjects with SLD and the Theory of Mind.

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