Demands and resources in the organizational context: promotion of well-being at work
The work context is often characterized by the combination of resources and demands that affect the well-being of worker. The literature, through the promotion of the JD-R model, has underlined the impact that these two aspects have on the psycho-physical health of the worker and on the organizational climate in general. The study involved 233 workers from the Italian regions of Sicily and Tuscany and investigated personal resources (e.g. locus of control and resilience), job resources (e.g. organisational climate, work group, etc.), job demands (e.g. workload), and related outcomes (e.g. satisfaction, anxiety, and work-related stress). The results emphasised the significance of focusing not only on the good features (resources) but also on the negative aspects (demands) of the working environment in order to establish a context that protects well-being while simultaneously becoming increasingly engaging for the worker.
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