Climbing out of the abyss: a guide to healing from trauma

Claudia Scaramuzzino




Introduction: To provide theoretical insights and practical tools for creating a safe environment, overcoming barriers to treating traumatised patients, and helping them to heal.

Methods: The authors analyzed Bethany Brand's book “Finding Solid Ground: Overcoming Obstacles in Trauma Treatment” and the Italian version titled “Costruire un terreno sicuro: Come superare gli ostacoli nel trattamento del trauma”, edited by Giunti Psicologia 2023.

Results: The book provides a deeper understanding of the psychological and physiological mechanisms underlying trauma. It helps to understand how trauma affects the mind and body, influencing behavior and emotions.
Conclusions: The vision of this book is useful for therapists and mental health professionals who work with traumatized patients. It offers theoretical insights and practical tools to create a safe environment, overcome obstacles in treatment, and facilitate the healing process.


Keywords: Trauma; Safe ground; Therapeutic relationship; Trauma therapy.

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