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Famulari, Roberta, Psychologist Psychotherapist, Rehabilitation Center "I.M.P.P. Giovanni XXIII" (Italy)
Fasciano, Silvia (Italy)
Ferraro, Laura
Fichera, Angela M. C. (Italy)
Filippello, Giuseppa, University of Messina (Italy)
Filippello, Pina, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Messina (Italy)
Foderaro, Alice (Italy)
Foti, Cristina (Italy)
Franchina Rocco, Dotorea (Italy)


Galletta, Chiara (Italy)
Garro, Marta (Italy)
Gazzara, Martina (Italy)
Geria, Alessandra (Italy)
Germanà, Antonino, Palliative home care services, Sisifo - Consortium of Social Cooperatives, Messina (Italy)
Germanò, Antonino (Italy)
Giammanco, Alessandra
Giannatiempo, Samantha, Tice Learning Centre, Via Ronchi S. Prospero, 26, 42015 Correggio, Italy (Italy)
Giesemann, Ximena, Claremont Graduate University
Giunta, Chiara (Italy)
Giunta, Laura (Italy)
Giunta, MariaHelena (Italy)
Gonciaruk, Emanuela (Italy)
Guaitoli, Eleonora, Chirurgia Generale, Asl Br Ospedale Perrino, Brindisi, Italy (Italy)
Gugliandolo, Maria Cristina, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Messina (Italy)
Gugliandolo, Maria Cristina, University of Cassino (Italy)

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