What Is Hope For Breast Cancer Patients? A Qualitative Study
This study explores the function of hope in the life experience of women diagnosed with breast cancer. Despite its relevance, hope is a psychosocial concept still not fully explored by the literature. Aim of the present contribution is therefore to conduct a qualitative examination of semi-structure interviews of women with breast cancer. In particular the connection between hope and eight domains (diagnosis, life events, supportive network, healthcare network, medical treatment, acceptance of the disease, ability to make projects and spirituality) associated with it is investigated.
The analysis of the interviews of four breast cancer patients met during their hospital staying reveals that hope is an essential aspect of the ability to cope with the illness. Furthermore, our analysis confirms that hope can be placed on a continuum between Cognitive and Emotional dimensions, from the intersections of which 4 possible scenarios (Despairing Space, Fleeting Space, Hesitating Space and Hoping Space) can be identified.
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Hope Breast cancerReferences
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.6092/2282-1619/2015.3.1047
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