The emotional tunes and the role of mirror neurons: From primary relationship mother-child relation to rehabilitation and therapeutic music therapy

Stefania La Porta, Florenza Inzerillo


This article mainly intended as a tribute to one of the fathers of Infant Research, Daniel Stern, who with his studies on the development of the sense of self in children, has expanded the field of observation of the mother-child relationship, from a simple vision drives a real relationship, characterized by sensory elements global.
His research has been forming the basis of the theoretical and methodological focus of music therapy to psychodynamic. The ability to reproduce the relational process characterized by affective attunements in a rehabilitation setting - music therapy where there are dis-evolution, as in the case of patients with Alzheimer's disease, you can reactivate capacity affective and relational residual strengthening in the subject 'personal and social identity mortified by the disease.
Role within that path is done by a very peculiar type of neurons, mirror neurons, the subject of study in recent years by the neurosciences, whose characteristic would be to get excited is when a person performs a certain action, both when it is another to do it before his eyes.


Emotions; Mirror neurons; Therapeutic Music Therapy

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