When passion becomes a nightmare: the burnout syndrome in healthcare workers. A case study.
The phenomenon of burnout is constantly increasing and the healthcare professionals are more exposed to burnout than other workers, given their close and continuous relationship with disadvantaged customers.
An analysis of this phenomenon aimed at identifying the variables that are correlated with a higher probability to develop burnout may allow to recognize those workers who are likely to suffer from this syndrome, suggesting appropriate intervention strategies.
This study has been carried out on a sample of 50 professional and pediatric nurses through the submission of a brief test aimed at measuring the risk of burnout. 26 per cent of the people in the sample of 50 nurses, working at different hospitals and public clinics in Messina, Italy, present a high risk of burnout; they would, therefore, benefit from the introduction of preventive measures aimed at contrasting this syndrome.
Several variables are correlated positively and significantly with a high level of risk: age, marital status, the circumstance of having children, the years of activity and the type of employment are among these ones.
Preventive measures should be implemented in the most critical cases: such measures have some costs, that are, however, lower than the pharmacological and psychological treatment of exhaustion. Hence, it should be advisable favoring direct strategies to identify and eliminate, as far as possible, the causes of burnout, rather than treating its consequences.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.6092/2282-1619/2016.4.1194
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