Personality Assessment in Gender Dysphoria: clinical observation in psychopathological evidence
Background: Gender Dysphoria is a condition of great distress and mental suffering associated with a strong identification with the opposite sex than biological birth. The literature shows that there is a historical account of the evolution of the disorder and that the different approaches to clinical reality, generate considerations that also depend on the use of study methods.
Method: Twentytwo subjects, diagnosed with gender dysphoria, aged between 18 and 47 years, studied through clinical and content scales of MMPI-2 questionnaire, to highlight the presence psychopathological indices.
Results: Findings in the descriptive analysis shows that the majority of patients do not present a prevalence of psychopatology, with the exception of Pa scale. In differential terms are highlighted scraps with male predominance in the Fear scale and female prevalence in the ASP scale. As regards the frequencies, there is female predominance in ANG and Pd scales.
Conclusions: The study suggests some scientific elements related to clinical practice with Gender Dysphoria, which take into account the meant of questionnaire’s use for subject's personality study.
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