Depression signs, Teasing and Low Self-esteem in Female Obese Adolescents: a clinical evaluation

Emanuele Maria Merlo, Fabio Frisone, Salvatore Settineri, Carmela Mento


Objective: the study identifies the presence of the signs of depression, teasing and self-esteem in obese female adolescents compared to a control group.

Methods: the studied group consisted of female subjects (N= 106 obese adolescents and 106 control group) aged from 12 to 18. In the study, the subjects were administered measures of body image, Montgomery Asberg depression rating scale (MADRS), Scale of perceived Teasing, Self-Liking (SL) and Self-competence (SC) to appraise self-esteem.

Results: the comparative assessment highlighted that obese adolescents are significantly depressed. Regarding the teasing, the adolescents were affected from a physical viewpoint. A significant difference also emerged in relation to self-esteem. Conclusion: the emotional consequences should be carefully weighed in consideration of the possible psychopathologies that may arise, i.e. mood signs.In relation to the signs, the prevention with psychological interventions is important for eating disorders and improve psychosocial health.


Depression; Teasing; Low self-esteem; Obesity; Adolescents

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