The experience of health and suffering in the medical profession

Salvatore Settineri, Emanuele Maria Merlo, Fabio Frisone, Daniela Marchetti, Maria Cristina Verrocchio, Maria Giovanna Pellegrino, Carmela Mento, Concettina Fenga


Objective: To evaluate the existential distress through simple measurements of the emotional state, health and well-being of doctors involved in outpatient and ward activities.

Method: an observation group of 77 physicians with male prevalence (58.4%), between the ages of 26 to 67 years old (mean 46.30 years; SD = 11.1). The mean of the length of service is 18.71 years (SD = 10.50); data collection took place through an initial questionnaire, an instrument referring to the emotional and affective state (POMS, McNair et al, 1992), the motivation at work scale MAWS (Gagnè, 2010, the Italian version Galletta et al, 2011), scales related to well-being (GHQ-12, 2000) and health (WHO, 1998)

Results: half of the participants in the study work during the night shift (50.6%), another percentage suffer from medical pathologies (41.6%) and follow drug therapies regularly (33.8%); significant positive correlations emerged among some MAWS scales (autonomous motivation, ego ideal - item 7,8, motivation for medical work - item 3,4) and psychological well-being; significant positive correlation between the POMS force scale and psychological well-being, among some POMS scales (Tension or Anxiety, Depression or Dejection, Fatigue or Inertia, Confusion or Bewilderment, Anger or Hostility, Vigor or Activity, Total score) and psychological distress and suffering; significant negative correlations among the POMS scales (Tension or Anxiety, Depression or Dejection, Anger or Hostility, Fatigue or Inertia, Confusion or Bewilderment, Total score) and psychological well-being, among the POMS , Vigor or Activity, psychological distress and suffering.

Conclusions: in the field of work and the medical profession, the experience of this study refers to the importance of conscious and deep autonomy, as a possibility to adhere to the humanistic experience of the profession; the states of slight maladjustment can turn out to be particularly counterproductive, such as maladaptive psychopathological phenomena.


Health; Suffering at work; Emotions; Psychological well-being

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