“Comment on: Psychopathology and female detention at the “Pagliarelli” jail of Palermo: preliminary results.”

Antonio Bruno, Maria Rosaria Anna Muscatello, Nicola Pangallo, Rocco Antonio Zoccali


We read with great interest the article by Ferraro et al. about the presence of current and lifetime psychiatric disorders among a sample of Italian female inmates. However, despite the strengths of the article, we have certain reservations on the methodology followed and conclusions drawn in the study that need to be elaborated for a better understanding of this very important research. Our correspondence thus, emphasizes the need for further explorations on this important area of research on mental health in inmates, in order to identify appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to be applied in this population.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.6092/2282-1619/2018.6.1937


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