Suppression Mental Questionnaire App: a mobile web service-based application for automated real-time evaluation of adolescent and adult suppression

Salvatore Settineri, Emanuele Maria Merlo, Fabio Frisone, Angela Alibrandi, Danilo Carrozzino, Camelia Cristina Diaconu, Salvatore Marco Pappalardo


The Suppression Mental Questionnaire System (mobile App, Web-Services, Cloud...) acts as a bridge among dynamic psychology, the cognitive studies, and modern information and telecommunication technologies (ICT). The adoption of digital tools speeds clinical investigations on defense mechanisms and makes clinical trials easier by reducing needed effort for manual scoring. It also enables faster and deeper research practices, also more appropriate to the times by enabling the real-time transfer of the results to digital archives  for statistical and psychometrical purposes. Reliability of the scale was evaluated by using Cronbach's alpha; this numerical coefficient of reliability was calculated for the three factors and for the two psychodiagnostic tools. The digital tool melts together scalability and availability provided by the mobile application, power and flexibility provided by Web 2.0 portal. The statistical analysis show a good reliability of the scale and of different factors. Differences related to the factors are considered possible on the basis of the current literature.Mobile Operating Systems, Internet, Web 2.0, and the considerable computing capabilities provided by Clouds are powerful combinations of tools able to provide real-time Open Data/Results to scientists and users, and to spread up the use of the questionnaire all over the world.


Psychosomatics; Defence Mechanism; Suppression; SMQ-App; Dynamic Psychology; Internet administered test

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