Identity Complexity and Integration in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Heterosexual Adolescents and Emerging Adults: Implications for Clinical Practice

Simona Picariello, Cristiano Scandurra, Seth J. Schwartz, Anna Lisa Amodeo


The study aimed at assessing whether differences exist in identity complexity and integration between 31 lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) and 33 heterosexual youths whose mean age was 21.47 (SD = 3.27). It constitutes a pilot study using a newly created questionnaire, called Identity Labels and Life Contexts Questionnaire (ILLCQ), which assesses the interplay between identity dimensions and life contexts. The ILLCQ allows to assess identity integration on three levels: 1) the integration among the different domains of identity in their intersection with the various life contexts (assessed through salience and centrality); 2) the integration between an individual’s self-definition and the definition mirrored by others (perceived self-recognition); and 3) the integration between how she/he feels her/himself to be and the way she/he shows her/himself to others. Results suggest that identity salience is significantly variable across the life contexts for both LGB and heterosexual youths. The only significant difference found between groups was higher salience and centrality of the sexual orientation domain for LGB youths. This constitutes a sort of core identity for LGB participants, which seems to be missing in the heterosexual counterparts. LGB youths reported general lower identity recognition on the part of other people. Implications for clinical practice are discussed.


Identity integration; LGB youths; sexual orientation; ILLCQ; identity development

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