Time Perspective and Employment Status: NEET Categories as Negative Predictor of Future

Anna Parola, Lucia Donsì


Time perspective is crucial for young adults in relation to decision making regarding present and future. Literature links PT to age, to well-being and many other psychological issues, and recent study also to socioeconomic status. In this paper, we have studied the relationship between PT and employment status. Specifically, taking into account the complex employment dynamics of the Italian context and the ever-increasing number of NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training), this research has studied the preferential temporal orientation of young NEET, comparing with students and workers of the same age and in the same socio-economic context. A questionnaire Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory in Short Form validated in Italian (S-TPI) was administrated to 144 young adults aged 20-34. Multiple Linear Regression Model, stepwise method, shows that status NEET (negative predictor), age and level of education are predictors of future dimension; instead, maintenance income and family cultural capital are predictors of present dimensions.


Time perspective (TP); NEET; Young adults; Stepwise regression; Negative future.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.6092/2282-1619/2019.7.2093


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