Family and Cognitive Integrative Treatment to Prevent Relapse of Adolescent Substance Abuse in Indonesia

Latipun Latipun, Aldila Putri Karindra, Nida Hasanati


Substance-dependent adolescents tend to experience relapses despite the psychological and medical treatment they received. Factors associated with the relapses include ineffective therapy, lack of post-treatment family support, and inability to prevent future relapses. This study investigates the effectiveness of the Family-Cognitive Integrative Therapy (F-CIT) model in preventing relapses of substance abuse among adolescents. There were ten participants randomly allocated into two groups. The experimental group received F-CIT, and the control group received no treatment. The Adolescent Relapse Coping Questionnaire used to measure the effectiveness of F-CIT model. The results showed that F-CIT model improves the adolescent ability to prevent relapses and remain abstinence after treatment. Thus, the additional of F-CIT model is sufficient to prevent relapses and improve abstinence against substance abuse among adolescents.


Relapse; Substance abuse; Therapy; Family; Cognitive behavioral therapy; Adolescent.

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