Psychological distress in Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome: A cross-sectional study on emotional patterns
Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS) is a chronic condition well studied in the urology and gynaecology fields, but its psychological impact on patients’ quality of life has been neglected. Our study prioritised the psychological impact of IC/BPS on the quality of life and wellness of patients in an effort to identify the emotional impact of this pathology on the sex lives of women. A cross-sectional study was conducted on sample composed of 132 women (aged 20-75 years). Statistical analysis evidenced significant differences in diagnosis time (p<0.02) associated with sexual distress and characterised by significant metacognitions, such as negative beliefs (p<0.01), cognitive confidence (p<0.08), stress (p<0.00), anxiety (p<0.001), and depression (p<0.001). This finding highlighted that women suffer significant psychological distress related to IC/BPS. Personalised treatments using an integrated clinical approach should be the innovative solution for co-morbid psychological distress in IC/BPS pathology.
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