Pre- and post-migratory experiences of refugees in Italy: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Francesca Tessitore, Francesca Agata Glovi, Giorgia Margherita


The present study aimed to explore in-depth meanings and representations that 6 refugees hosted in Italy attributed to their pre-migratory, migratory and post-migratory experiences. We developed and administered semi-structured interviews, analysed accordingly to the principles of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. A total of four superordinate themes emerged: The past, the case is over; The Committee as witness of my truth; Italy, Never Land; The future between agency and delegation. The past emerged as a “case over”, which participants tended to avoid talking about, while the Territorial Committee played a fundamental role as witness and legitimiser of their life stories. Positive post-migratory experiences configured a resilience, which is able to strengthen and empower refugees’ resources as well as to restore the social and community links normally destroyed by severe traumatisation. Implications for research and clinical interventions will be outlined.


Migratory experiences; Refugees; Italy; Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis; Narratives.

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