Pattern of depression and Psycho-social factors influencing mental distress among Divorcees in Lagos State.

Ajibola Abdulrahamon Ishola, Rotimi Jacob Akinniyi


Divorce have been associated with increased chances of depression. However, factors and context influencing this incident is still an ongoing concern. The present investigation assessed the pattern of depression and psycho-social factors influencing mental distress among divorcees in Lagos State. This study was a cross-sectional survey research conducted among conveniently sampled divorced persons in Lagos State. The mean age was 32.56 (S.D = 4.65) years and the larger percentage were females. Education attainment showed that 34.5%, had a first-degree qualification, 12% had diploma certificate, while 11% had no formal education. Two-fifth (40.5%), of the divorcees have been divorced for between 2-5 years, 23.5% of the respondent less than 1 year, 23% for between 6-10 years and 13% above 11years. 40% reported constant parental pressure to remarry. The respondents responded to the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and 10-item Big Five personality inventory (BFI) and socio- demographic questionnaire. Data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, logistic Regression Analysis and t-test for independence at p≤0.05. Results showed that the prevalence rate for depression disorder was 36.5%. Length of duration of divorced was significant predictor of depression status: less than 1 year of divorce was associated with the odds of becoming depressed 6 times fold. Parental pressure also was associated with depression. Conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness to experience were significantly predictors of depression. It was concluded  that  length  of  duration  after  divorce and personality traits shapes post-divorce  mental  health  status  thus  adequate  psychological intervention should be offered to divorcees in combination with legal and material  support.


Depression; Parental pressure; Personality Traits; Length of duration of divorce; Post-divorce Mental Health.

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